The FlyFarm BSF Nursery Unit, a vital component for successful Black Soldier Fly (BSF) production. This advanced nursery unit is engineered to optimize the early stage growth of neonates, ensuring a healthy and efficient transition from nursery to grow-out stages.
Key Features
- Micro-Climate Controlled Chambers: The unit features 4 climate-controlled nursery chambers, each equipped with ventilation fans, heating/cooling systems, humidifiers, and auto-watering capabilities to create the perfect environment for BSF early stage larval growth.
- High Capacity: With 20 nursery trays per chamber, the unit can accommodate a substantial number of neonates, making it suitable for both small-scale and commercial operations.
- User-Friendly Design: The nursery unit includes two doors per chamber for easy transfers and maintenance, facilitating weekly cleaning and monitoring.
- Automated Monitoring: Integrated sensors and a computer control system allow for precise environmental management, ensuring optimal conditions for growth.
Enhance your insect farming operations with the FlyFarm BSF Nursery Unit.
Climate Controlled BSF Nursery Unit
- Includes on-site technical training during commissioning
- 5 hours technical support per month for 6 months